Monday, February 28, 2011

It's a dog eat dog world out there

Unfortnately, its also a dog beat dog world as pit bulls across the nation are bred and trained to fight one another for the sick entertainment and possible monetary gain of their owners. Obviously not all pit bulls fall into the hands of these types of individuals, but the dogs that do lead tragic and painful lives. After being starved and beated to harness their aggression, pit bulls are dragged into a pit where gladiator-like fights take place.

Luckily there is an organization in The Central Florida area that is taking a stand against this type of abuse by rescuing wounded pit bulls and spreading advocacy on the breed, proper training tactics, and the injustice of pit bull fighting rings.

When our Executive Director, Michelle Lyles, found a pitbull outside of The Mustard Seed warehouse she couldn't help but take him home. Sweetie Pie ((now Ali)) was clearly in need of some nurturing as he had a multitude of scars on his head. Unsure of what to do she contacted Central Florida Pit Bull Rescue .

Ali was then tested on his levels of temperment and food aggression--he passed both with flying colors! He was also very well mannered when introduced to an infant and elderly woman!! Unfortunately, when tested for heartworms the results were also positive. Ali has already suffered tremendously in his young life and now that he is in good hands, he desperately needs treatment for his heartworms. To donate please email Jennifer at

We look forward to supporting Central Florida Pit Bull Rescue by providing them with donated blankets, crates, and pet supplies!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Clean the World + The Mustard Seed = B.F.F.

Volunteer UCF
set up a special day
for local nonprofits
who've got something to say.

Thus began the friendship
to stand up for those in need
between Clean the World
and the Mustard Seed

Stationed right beside me
with their coffee, dougnuts, and soap
was an awesome group of people
fighting to give kids hope.

I had no tasty treats
to entice my hungry peers
but I recieved free soap
to wash away my tears.

At this time I realized,
"These guys are legit!"
I asked them of their mission
to get involved with it.

Washing our hands often,
it may seem like no big deal.
But millions of little children
can't wash up before a meal.

How does one group deal
with such a dyer situation?
You'd need a ton of soap
for even the smallest nation!

Hotels, motels, and cruise lines
donate soap and shampoo.
Then it's cleaned and rebatched
for use by someone new.

Oh Clean the World,
saving lives by making suds.
You've helped over 7 million
wash away bad germs and muds.

I hope you liked your poem
it came straight from the heart.
Feel free to hang it in the office
its a priceless piece of art.


Let us join together
come this Saturday,
to endulge in some pizza
at a local CPK.

....dont forget that flyer!
(which can be found on our website or facebook)

Lo Lesson #6:

-the key to promoting your organization at a job or volunteer fair-
If you find yourself at a table promoting an organization and the neighboring organization has high-tech video footage, food, bevs, and free not feel discouraged. All of these exciting items will entice people and attract them to your general area. When they walk away feeling satisfied from their doughnuts and energized from their coffee (and excited to use their new soap) they will feel obligated to go to your table too! Yesterday I learned the real secret to success at a job or volunteer fair: strategically place yourself next to the organization with the most stuff, that way you get attention (for free) and you walk away with some free items yourself. Out of office supplies? Sit next to the table with free pens! Left your water bottle at home? You know what to do..

In all seriousness, Clean the World is an awesome organization and I hope we get the opportunity to work with them in the future!

**Special shoutout to Volunteer UCF!**

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

where the magic happens.

la poem de mattress
It ain't no bed of roses
we've heard that phrase before.
A mattress decomposes
in a thousand years or more.

Back in our warehouse
we deconstruct the beds,
that aren't fit for children
to sleep or lay their heads.

There are things within a mattress
like metal, foam, and wood.
All of these can be recycled
for the planet's greater good.

From sixty mattresses in one day
that we broke down and paired,
thirteen hundred cubic feet
of landfill space was spared.

On that old bed of yours
too many nights you've laid.
Donate it to The Mustard Seed
where the real magic's made.

Lo Lesson #5: Its always a good idea to write a cheesy poem. Not only will you find it easier to free-style in your next rap battle but you will also get your point across in an interesting way. A poem can make almost any situation more fun if you obey the following rules:

-Do not quit your job by writing your boss a poem.
-Do not write "Exams are no fun. BAM, I'm done" on your mid-term.
-Do not write obscene poems on bathroom stalls...its just weird.
-Do not get offended when your cat doesn't respond to your poetry.
-Do not get offended when people don't respond to your cat poetry.

Well here is one last hoorah before I go:
This blog was random-its true
but if you donate your mattress
we have a present for you!
A gift so unique,
you can't buy it in stores
I will write you a poem
that you may call yours!

Don't like my skills? We'll still take your old mattress!

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rough Times

This past week was really rough.
My friend and mentor called it a "growing week".

My beloved 20-year-old cousin passed away last weekend, due to a horrible car accident. It was difficult to deal with because she was such a loving and joy-filled girl. And so young. It came as a big shock. My family was not ready for something like this. Thankfully, we have wonderful friends and a strong community who were there for us. When we were feeling sad and lost, they helped coordinate the funeral, drive people around, cook meals, and most importantly, just be there for us. I can not imagine what my family would have done if we had nobody or no where to turn.
I know that it is times like these when we feel the true love that our family and friends have for us.
It is times like these when we realize how blessed we are.
It is times like these when we find who we truly are.

Reflecting back on this got me thinking about The Mustard Seed and what we do here everyday.

I love working at a place where people can come when they feel like they have nobody to turn to. At times when they are feeling low, we can help to lift them back up and help them get on their feet again. They come to us after very difficult struggles, tragedies, and hardships. Our clients come to us in their time of need and we do our best to take make sure they can keep moving forward. 
We provide comfy beds, kitchen tables, dressers, and warm blankets, but most importantly, we are here.
We are here when they cannot afford a bed for their little girl.
We are here when they are unable to get by on their own.
We are here to help them get through the rough times.

What would my family have done without our friends and community?
What would our clients do without us?