Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Working Together for a Better Tomorrow

howdy yall!

I don't know if everyone got the chance to catch the State of the Union Address last night but it was quite different from those that came before. Its not everyday that Republicans and Democrats sit side by side at such an event. And although opinions on issues may vary between parties, I for one believe that it was truly inspiring to see those differences pushed aside if even for a short while.

In an age of uncertainty and indifference one thing should remain clear:
as Americans (or humans rather,) we are all in this together.

Let the speech be a lesson to us all. Despite one's race, political party, socio-economic status, or religion we are all entitled to the same unalienable rights. For this reason we should take every opportunity we are given to help out the less fortunate, even if it means stepping out of our precious little comfort zones.

Lo Lesson #4:

Everyone has their own political views and I'm not one to push mine on others. Whether or not you agree with last night's seating arrangement, I hope that you can agree with me on this: the well-being of your neighbor directly affects that of your own. It might seem like a daunting task to work with those who think differently than you but try it and the outcome could be beautiful. As the wise, extremely talented, and awesome in everyway (who just so happens to be my heart's one desire..besides Bradley Cooper..) Dave Matthews once sang:

"To change the world, start with one step. However small, first step is hardest of all."

Let's work together to make this world a better place.

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