Thursday, July 14, 2011

Harry Potter

Good morning to you and your families on this glorious Harry Potter Thursday! As I am an avid all-things-Harry-Potter fan, I hope you know that tonight is the midnight premiere of Harry Potter and the Deathy Hallows Part 2. Tonight wraps it all up. After a decade of books, theme parks, collectible items, and movies, tonight ends the saga of Harry Potter. AND I’M SO EXCITED! Maybe you can tell how much I enjoy Harry Potter, but words cannot capture my enthusiasm. Perhaps a brief anecdote to capture the words that elude me: Here at The Mustard Seed I often talk about Harry Potter during lunch, and volunteers and employees share stories about visiting Harry Potter World at Universal Studios, which I have yet to do (I have to save some Harry Potter magic for after the movies come out, and I’m in withdrawal!). But in all sincerity, I feel as though our generation grew up with Harry, Ron, and Hermione as they tackled the problems that faced Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. However, one reason I feel as though I grew up with them, is the sage Dumbledore and his wise sayings that always seem to wrap the story up perfectly and teach a lesson to the trio and the readers. My personal favorite is when he says, "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities." And after this lengthy introduction to my blog, I’d like to focus on choices today in this entry.

I think Dumbledore was trying to say that every choice determines who we are because of why we chose that option. Each choice reflects years of parental influences, influences of mentors like teachers, influences of any traditions or beliefs, influences of the media, and influences of Dumbledore. Each person’s choice is unique to him or her because that person is unique – that choice reflects their unique history and unique formation as a person.

What if you were deciding to donate to The Mustard Seed? Perhaps you would donate because you wanted to empty out that closet that you can’t seem to even step into anymore. Or perhaps you just got married and are upgrading mattresses to accommodate your new spouse. Or perhaps your child has outgrown the bed that he or she slept on. Or perhaps you have a personal connection to The Mustard Seed through volunteering or knowing someone who has been helped through our services. All of these situations result in you donating to The Mustard Seed, but why you donate – that’s your story which reflects your choices, influences, and ultimately who you “truly are,” according to Dumbledore. So in Christina’s Corner today, CHOOSE TO DONATE TODAY! (And choose to see Harry Potter J)

For your entertainment: The Harry Potter 7 Part 2 (HP7P2) trailer

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